Frequently Asked Questions

Client Information
In order to insure that your care can be as effective and compassionate as possible, please read the following information. This ‘housekeeping’ information is necessary to get you started and keep you on the road to great health. 

It is recommended that you schedule appointments in advance to ensure that your treatments stay consistent. To make necessary changes to your appointments, please call the office or email:  It is your responsibility to cancel existing appointments. 

Treatment Time
We will do our best to ensure that we function on time, as we do not like to keep you waiting. 
There will be times when you will have to wait, but those are times when your doctor needs to spend a little extra time with the current patient or cleaning. There will also be times when you will need more time, and you should know and expect that time will automatically be allocated to you.

Payment and Insurance
Payment for services is due at the time of services, unless other payment arrangements have been agreed upon in advance. Payments may be made by cash, Visa, MasterCard or debit.  Some of our practitioner have direct billing available.

Fragrance and Attire
Loose, comfortable clothing is best. Draping will be used to ensure modesty. Please refrain from wearing strong smelling perfumes, soaps, and lotions to your appointment. 

There are spaces in front of the clinic for you to park, as well as across the street alongside the school field. Most Calgary parked plus are metered for 2 hours.  You may need extra minutes to find parking.

We have a cancellation policy – a minimum of 24 hours notice is required.

The courtesy of a 24-hour notice of cancellation for any appointment is expected and appreciated. If you have missed or rescheduled an appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice, you will be responsible for the full charge of the appointment. In the case of an emergency or ‘acts of mother nature’ such as a snowstorm or family illness, then the particular practitioner you are seeing will respond / adjust the cancellation policy. 

We look forward to seeing you soon. 
Have a wonderful day.